Secrets of Perpetual Impact Part 3 – Choose Your Company mp3 by Dr Pastor Paul Enenche

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Secrets of Perpetual Impact Part 3 – Choose Your Company mp3 by Dr Pastor Paul Enenche



Dr. Paul Enenche
SESSION OBJECTIVE(S): Understanding the place of company or relationships or association in perpetual impact in life and destiny
1. Who you walk with determines how long you last and how far you go in life
2. Company is a critical determinant of destiny; you confirm your seriousness regarding your destiny by the cautiousness of your company
3. People make friends then friends make people
1. Who you spend your time with
2. Who you give your ears to
3. Who you take your steps after
4. Who you share your dreams and visions with
5. Who you give your heart to
1. Samson and Delilah (Judg. 16:15-19)
1a. Delilah is who you spend your time with
1b. Delilah is who you give your ears to
1c. Delilah is who you give your heart to
1d. Delilah is who you reveal your secrets to
(This refers to in the negative sense)
i. The voice you hear determines the voice you will have
You can’t have a voice that is louder than the voice you hear because input determines output
You can’t have the voice of authority if you are listening to the voice of timidity
ii. The voice you hear determines the strength or the force you will have (Job 6:25)
iii. The voice you hear determines the pressure you feel
If you remove certain voices and influences from your life, you will discover that certain pressures leave your life
iv. The voice you hear determines the quality of your life (Judg. 16:16)
v. The voice you hear determines the principles you uphold
vi. The voice you hear determines your profit or losses in life
vii. The voice you hear determines your vulnerability or safety in life
There are voices that came to expose your nakedness and there are voices that came to cover you
viii. The voice you hear can facilitate your rise to glory or your descent to shame
ix. The voice you hear can either enhance your vision or diminish/destroy your vision
x. The voice you hear can cut short your life and destiny or prolong your life and prolong your impact
2. Orpah and Naomi (Ruth 1:14-18)
The disappearance of Orpah from Naomi’s life was her disappearance from history
2a. In the agenda of God, destinies are interconnected
2b. The best thing that can happen to anyone is to identify and be found in the right company
Destiny happens naturally in the right company
Results are cheap in the right company and it takes God to identify the right company
2c. The worst thing that can happen to any life and destiny is to be disconnected from the right company which will produce obscurity and calamity
3. Paul and the people of Lystra (Acts 14:6-19)
Don’t be overconfident of your conviction for as long as you are not careful about your association
3a. Every conviction is at the mercy of man’s association
Strong conviction can give way to strong repulsion by reason of wrong association
3b. Company affects consistency
Consistency of correct action disappears in the presence of the wrong company
3c. Human character or behaviour answers to human company and association
A nicely disposed, respectable, respectful person can become a distasteful, despicable and disrespectful entity by reason of the wrong company
3d. Human nature is highly unreliable, especially in the face of the wrong association.
Confidence in man is signature for frustration
If unreliability is worsened by associating with the wrong company, stay away!
3e. Your surrounding determines your survival; you can live long, last long and travel far if you are surrounded by the right people (Acts 14:20)
1. The people of your life determine the progress and pace of your life
2. The people of your life determine the principles of your life
3. The people of your life determine the preservation of your life
4. The people of your life determine the power of your purpose and vision
5. The people of your life determine the profit or value of your life and destiny
1. The one who has the right spiritual priorities – the God first mentality, just like yourself (Matt. 6:33)
2. The one who has similar passion and mission in life like you (Amos 3:3)
3. The one with similar character content and quality principles of living (1Cor. 15:33)
4. The one with whom you are agreeable on most things in life (Amos 3:3)
5. The one who is genuinely interested in your life (Prov. 18:24)
1. The one God gave you as your pastor and father (Jer. 3:15)
2. The one in whose voice you hear God’s voice (1Sam. 3:1-8)
3. The one who carries your fire, stirs your potentials, and makes the baby in your womb to leap (Luke 1:41)
4. The one whose position is your destination (Acts 4:13)
5. The one whose content is your intent (2Kings 2:9-10)
6. The one with whom you have a spiritual connectivity (Prov. 27:19)
7. The one you are gladly willing to submit to (Judg. 7:17; 1Cor. 11:1)
Determine to Face your front, camp with God and choose your company!
Father, I thank You for Your Word to me tonight. Father, tonight, I receive the grace to choose my company, to be in the right spiritual climate and under the right spiritual covering; I receive the grace, in Jesus’ Name.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I refuse to be the victim of the wrong company, in Jesus’ Name.
Father, out of my life, I am asking tonight that You will break every wrong connection, association and relationship, and You will bring into my life the right association and the correct relationships, in Jesus’ Name.
Father, I receive the touch of Your hands from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, to take out of my life the wrong association and bring into my life the correct association, in Jesus’ Name.
Secrets of Perpetual Impact Part 3 – Choose Your Company

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